Below you will find some helpful information for hosting your event as well as the LBF2024 brand guidelines. You can download the LBF logos and elements to help with promoting your event.

Event Organisers' Handbook
The handbook has all the information you need to host an amazing event from planning and the process right through to publicity, promotion and finally, presenting.
Just click the icon to the right to view and download.

Brand Guidelines
With a circulation of over 37 million, LBF attracts tens of thousands of visitors to well over 100 events each year.
Use of the LBF’s brand is vital to its continued impact and we politely ask that you follow these guidelines and use the LBF brand with clarity and consistency.

Graphics, Elements, Logos and Icons
In the same spirit as our guidelines are written, we understand that you may need to use the LBF brand alongside you own.
This will inevitably mean tailoring it to your own guidelines, but please be mindful of how you do this in line with the elements outlined within the guidelines.
Leicester Business Festival CiC provides an open and free license but restricts any and all use of its materials or digital content -requiring approval prior to use. Please contact hello@leicesterbusinessfestival.com
You can either 'right click' on each element / logo to download low res versions for web use - or follow the links below to our 'google drive' where you can download all web graphics.
Should you require print quality or EPS files, please contact us directly.
Download Logos
Download Graphics Elements

2023 Report​
If you're interested in sponsoring the Leicester Business Festival, have a look through our latest report to see the impact the LBF has.
If you would like any more information, please email us: hello@leicesterbusinessfestival.com

Event Criteria ​
Please ensure your event meets at least two of the criteria outlined here.
This year we are introducing Stand Out events. These are events that are a step above the rest. In the application form, you can include include information as to whether your event meets the criteria to be a Stand Out event. See the criteria here.